Saturday, November 8, 2008

1st Broken Bones

Well, it has happened. Eriq got his first broken bone today. We went to a baby shower at 3 today. He went outside to play with another little boy. He was on their playset talking to this boy, and when he turned I guess his hand didn't make contact with the other side and off he went. He used his hands to brace himself and broke his wrist. He came in crying and told me what happened, we left not long after that. I took him to Urgent Care where they did x-rays and told us he broke 2 of the 8 bones just above the wrist. He had been ok since I gave him Tylenol, but when he heard that he cried. My poor, sweet boy. He had also been saying the whole time how he was glad it wasn't Dominiq this happened to (awww). I know it could have been much worse, so I am thankful it was just this. He is wearing a brace, which he is already getting tired of. He goes back in 2 weeks for a recheck, then may have to wear the brace at the most another 4 weeks. The lady who was throwing the baby shower called to check on Eriq and was very apologetic. I appreciated it. She said if there is anything we need or anything they can do, just let them know. I don't think there will be, but it was nice for her to offer. Eriq has some Tylenol with codeine in his system now and just went to bed. So pray for a great and speedy recovery and that he has a good nights rest. I'll update more later.

1 comment:

  1. lots of crazy stuff going on for you guys
    prayers that the transition between jobs is smooth come February.

    And your poor little one. If it makes you feel any better Makenna broke her arm when she was 4. I felt horrible for her. She was excited to get a purple cast. Funny how we as parents see things from a different perspective.

    Prayers for a swift recovery.
